This is my Quarantine Daily Life

This is my Quarantine Daily Life

This is my Quarantine Daily Life

If you are not used to working in "Smart Working" this could be a little bit strange, these steps could help you to be always productive and positive.
(Personally Tested Everyday, nothing changes for me)

1) Wake up at 7:00 a.m.

2) Have a good breakfast

3) Take off your pyjamas: dress like you're about to leave home to go to work

4) Put a live radio: the internet is full of beautiful live radio, you can start searching also on you tube

5) Mid-morning: Eat a fruit

6) Running Session: 5K or 10K

7) Around noon: Light lunch

8) Long coffee at the pc table: in the early afternoon stimulates creativity

9) Eat a fruit around 4 p.m.

10) Pc Tea: a tea cup at the pc table between 5pm and 6pm

11) Light dinner, and, why not...a beer!

12) Read, read, read

